Wired Chop

Sponge flies also known as spongilla flies neuroptera sisyridae are specialist predators of freshwater sponges. Today the sponges you buy at the store are likely made from synthetic materials and produced in a factory.

Porifera Organismal Diversity

Humans have a lot in common with the humble sea sponge according to research that changes the way we think about animal evolution.

How are sponges used by humans. They use their elongated mouthparts to pierce the sponge and suck the fluids within. The larvae hatch and drop into the water where they seek out sponges to feed on. A research team report that a collaborative study found sponges.

The female lays her eggs on vegetation overhanging water. A human made sponge is called a sponge because humans used to use sea sponges. But natural sponges are animals that come from the sea and have been used for a long.

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